Welcome! Thank you for visiting Knot Just Healing, where massage is a habit of wellness. Andrea J Goedeker MT.0018509 is a graduate of the Colorado School of Healing Arts. She offers relaxing massage, deep tissue, condition specific massage at her office in Highlands Ranch. Office hours Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm Friday 9am-1pm To schedule an appointment please call or text 720-600-7568
Knot Just Healing
Massage is a habit of wellness



Thank you for visiting Knot Just Healing where massage is a habit of wellness.


Andrea is a graduate of the Colorado School of Healing Arts. Andrea offers relaxing massage, condition specific massage at her office in Highlands Ranch 

Hours of availability:

Monday -Friday 9-2:30

Evenings and weekends by appointment only

To schedule an appointment, please call or text  720-600-7LMT (568). 

Andrea Goedeker

Licensed Massage Therapist